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CIO 100

CIO 100

CIO 100
Author: | 19/08/2019 384754 visits Category: Conference

CIO 100

Celebrating its 32nd year in 2019, the CIO 100 Symposium & Awards is the industry\'s most prestigious leadership event. It brings together more than 300 CIOs and senior IT executives, including the year\'s CIO 100 and CIO Hall of Fame award winners. #CIO100

August 19-21, 2019

The Broadmoor

Colorado Springs, Colorado

The CIO 100 award identifies and honors 100 organizations that have distinguished themselves by creating business value through the effective and innovative use of IT.

The CIO Hall of Fame award honors men and women whose work has profoundly shaped the technology-enabled business landscape, demonstrating both creative vision and practical leadership in information technology.

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